Hi Crabbies. It’s been a while, so here is the occasional newsletter that I’ve cobbled together.



 Mince pie run 17th December. Meet at Eling at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest Wildlife Park, Deerleap lane, Colbury SO40 4UH. Free mince pies and mulled wine




The Geoff Shergold memorial cyclocross Southampton, Sports centre. Sunday 21st January. So, if you like the cold and the mud it’s the place to be. Volunteers needed not only on the Sunday but also for Saturday 20th to help set out the course. Please contact Kerie for details 07850 172929  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






The annual prize presentation and buffet lunch will take place 18th February 12.30 pm, at The Empress of Blandings, Southampton Rd, Copythorne, SO40 2PF. Tickets £15 pp. There will be a club social ride before the lunch leaving the Empress of Blandings at 10.00am.




2024 subs remain at £10 for a full member, £5 for social or 2nd claim.   Subs for those with at least 20 years of continuous membership (same members as 2023) are waived.  For those members - please confirm to Roy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  whether you wish to remain a member for 2024.


Can be paid by cheque (payable to Crabwood Cycling Club) to Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP.


Or direct to:- A/c:  CRABWOOD CYCLING CLUB,  Sort Code:  309873,  Account Number:   00393934  (please give your surname and initial in the reference)


You can include payment to reserve tickets for the prize presentation lunch at the same time.




Can you send Claire your best results for any TT event club or open events, also the number of TTs ridden. Please could you also return any trophies to Claire or any member of the committee by the end of December please.




The Presidents cup.




As you can see from the results Pat has fluked the presidents cup again. He didn’t manage a clean sweep of victories; he was pipped by yours truly in the last TT. (That’s only because he rode his mountain bike.) We also ran a hill climb at Bramshaw in September. That was won by Mike Marsh from Sotonia 02.22. Pat L 02.29. Dave Ricketts 02.34, Stuart Martingale Sotonia 02.54, Myself 02.56.


John S Bisson 03,10, Skye Martingale (Wjuv) 03.12. Dave England 03.45. After the hill climb, we Cycled to The Cuckoo for ale and pies.




PRESIDENT'S CUP COMPETITION 2023 (5 events count)



20th April

11th May

25th May

8th June

29th June

17th Aug


5 Events points











Pat Lafford









Dave England









Claire Newman









Alan Bigwood









Simon Hall









Colin Witt









John Tunney













Crabwood Holiday 2023




Thanks to Claire we enjoyed another holiday in the Alps. This year we stayed in a chalet at the bottom of a valley, so it was an easy ride home. Grand – Aigueblanche near Moutiers. We enjoyed? some rather long climbs, Val Thorens , Col De Madeleine. But there was a particular memorable climb that went up to Meribel, which was ok, But the fun started - a goat track that had been surfaced a turned into a cycle lane. Carried on for another 7km. There sections reaching 20% (1 in 5).            



I would like to thank all the people who helped at our events the cyclocross and the time trials, without those willing volunteers we wouldn’t be able to run any of our events. So, thank you.




The club will be running some club TTs throughout the summer, let’s see if anyone can topple Pat.


And we will visit the Le Tour again, with a new area to explore. The Massif Central


Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy new. Alan.






Hi Crabwood. It’s been a while since the last newsletter. So, I thought it was time for another one. After a nice long hot dry summer the weather has finally gone back to normal, combined with not many hours of daylight it really is a fun time to go out on your bike.

      The club events went well this year with Pat, Colin, Claire and myself running 2 events each. This worked very well and spread the workload around. How-ever number of entrants was quite low, with one event just having two CCC riders. 

      The club trip to Le Tour took place this year after a two-year absence. We had a very hot week in the Pyrenees. The climbs were long and tough (or am I just past it?). With the Peyresourde finishing me off with the temperature on my Garmin hitting 45C. We all had a good time in a really nice location (well done Claire)



                                      Lake Genos, Loudenvielle.  Our chalet 2nd one on the left.




The Mince pie run 18th December. Meet at Eling Toll Bridge at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest wildlife park, Deerleap lane, Longdown SO40 4UH.



The Geoff Shergold Memorial cyclo-cross at the Sports centre 22nd January. Volunteers please. Contact Kerie for details. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07850 172929




Our Prize presentation lunch is on Saturday 4th March, 12.30pm, at the Empress of Blandings, Romsey Road, Copythorne  SO40 2PF (upstairs function room).  Tickets are £15pp to include a buffet lunch.     

Please could anyone with club trophies, return them to Claire.


Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Bah Humbug.  Alan.




Hi Crabwood. It’s been a while since the last newsletter. I don’t think much has happened! Apart from being confined to barracks. Speaking for myself I had a few weeks away from work...wonderful. Plenty of time to spend hours out on my bike on lovely empty roads, except for the suicidal walkers that were now out of their cars still thought they owned the roads. I also caught up on loads of decorating and gardening. Unfortunately, things are back to normal, and the roads are full of lunatics again. And even worse I am back working. So, I hope all of you who are still working enjoyed your time off.

Welcome to new member Colin Witt, plus new 2nd claim members Martin Napier and Martin Balk.

On the racing front there hasn’t really been much at all.  A few time trials.  Hopefully things will be back to normal next year.


The club events will be back next year, and as usual we will need some volunteers for marshalling, etc. Dates to follow in the next newsletter.  The return of the Mince pie run 19th December. Meet at Eling at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest wildlife park, Deerleap lane, Longdown.

Also returning is the Geoff Shergold Memorial cyclo-cross at the Sports centre 16th January.  Volunteers please. Contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  07850 172929 if you can help with setting up the course on Saturday 15th,  or in any way on Sunday 16th, even a couple of hours’ marshalling would be welcomed.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Alan.





Hello Crabwood members, it’s been a while since my last newsletter, a few IT issues and apathy on my part have led to a bit of a delay.




The club and I would like to wish Pete Betteridge a speedy recovery from his recent heart surgery.


On a sadder note Roger Bacon president of New Forest cc recently passed away, the club and I would like to send our condolences to Roger's family, friends and clubmates.




It’s time for that annual cold, wet a windy ride around The Forest. Yes, it’s the Mince pie run. So, clear your diaries for 22nd Dec. Meet at Ealing at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle, and the sensible people in cars meet at 12.00 at the New Forest wildlife Park Deerleap Lane, Colbury.










The Geoff Shergold Memorial Cyclo-cross Sunday 26th January   


Southampton Sports centre.                                                           




Volunteers required for setting out on Saturday 25th and helping/marshalling etc on Sunday 26th. Please contact Kerie   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel 07850 172929..




Even the best gets it wrong.






19th January. Cuckoo, Hamptworth


8th February. The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge


29th February.  The Hunters, Romsey. Next time we can ride on a leap year Sunday is 2032


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00 or at the pub 12.00





Club Dinner


Will again be held at Wellow Golf club, guest speaker TBA.




Saturday 15th FEBRUARY 2020


Wellow Golf Club, Ryedown Lane, E Wellow nr Romsey SO51 6BD


       £25.00 per person




  1. Homemade Spicy Parsnip Soup with Crusty Bread

  2. Goat’s cheese, leek and Walnut tart


C. Smoked salmon with capers and wholemeal bread


Main Course


D.   Sirloin steak with Lyburn Cheese & Mushroom sauce


E.   Maple Glazed Roast Chicken Breast, Garlic & Herb Stuffing and Pan Gravy


F.   Baked cod Loin with Parmesan Crust & Roast Tomato Sauce


G.  Vegetarian Nut Roast


(All served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes)




H.  Exotic Fruits Brioche Bread & Butter pudding


I.   Fresh Fruit Salad with Cinnamon Syrup  


J.  Trio of Local Cheeses and Biscuits




Freshly Brewed Coffee and Mints




Please indicate your menu choices below and return to Roy by 3rd February with payment. 


Alternatively you can make payment electronically – please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know of any payments you have made, and names/menu choices as below if applicable.


Please note Roy’s new email (IMPORTANT as the old one no longer works!).






Sort Code:                309873   


Account Number:   00393934


Reference:               Please enter your surname and first initial.





Starter (A/B/C)

Main Course


Dessert (H/I/J)




















Club Subscriptions 2020


Full Membership £10.00……….           Social £5.00………..      2nd Claim £5.00……….


Name and Address in BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………




To – Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP




And finally I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas.     Alan







Please note that unfortunately our club 10 scheduled for Sunday 8th September has been cancelled.

Unfortunately, Jens Voigt is unable to join us this year as he has to take an early flight back to Europe for a trade show.

In addition, road works (top-dressing with tar and lovely chippings!) are scheduled on Roger Penny Way and Forest Road, Nomansland (where the finish is) in the week prior to the event and /or the event date itself, and the road will be closed while this is ongoing.






 Guest speaker Roger Hammond presenting trophies to the usual suspects.

 The annual club dinner was held at Wellow Golf Club. This year’s guest speaker was Roger Hammond ex pro rider and Directeur Sportif of the Madison Genesis team, I think we were very lucky to have Roger as our guest, as I think he doesn’t normally speak at dinners. Roger gave us a very interesting speech on his career and his links with CCC. I would like to thank Claire and Roy for organizing another successful dinner.



It was a dry, but with a chilly wind. Sam Allen (Pedalon) won the men’s event to retain the GSM CC trophy, with Amy Perryman (Hargrove’s Montezumas) taking the ladies title. I would like to thank Kerie for organizing another successful GSM cyclo-cross, I would also like to thank those of you who helped throughout the weekend. To save me copy and pasting, click on the link below for race report and results.


 Time Trials

 It’s nearly time to get the book of excuses out, it’s too windy, it’s too cold, my bike was playing up or my legs didn’t feel good. Yes, I have used them all. With first CCC TT 11th April P164 7.00pm. P164 events use Park Pale car park as HQ.

Crabwood Club TTs 2019





Thurs 25-Apr




Thurs 9-May




Thurs 23-May


15 Inter-club with NFCC


Weds 19-Jun


25 Club Champs (BDWCA event)


Weds 26-Jun


10 Club Championship


  Tues 23-Jul


10 Inter-club (NFCC event)


Thurs 08-Aug




Sun 08-Sep




Sun 29-Sep





See link below for the rest of the local club events.


We also have a new trophy for The Jens two up, for the 2019 season (hard luck Dave) Kindly made and donated by Brian Grierson of Sotonia CC





Road races Tues 4th & 18th June, 2nd July, 7pm start, HQ Applemore College. 


Please put the dates in your diaries – lots of marshals needed!  Organiser is Pat Lafford.

 Social Rides.

 17th March, The Hunters, Romsey.

7th April, the Star, East Tytherly.

28th April, The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.

19th May the Cuckoo, Hamptworth

Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00 or at the pub 12.00


The committee and myself would like to wish Glenn Longland a speedy recovery from his recent tumble, where his bonce took a bit of a bashing.

 And finally, for those of you who don’t know. I had a mishap on my skiing holiday in February, which resulted in a broken Tibia and Fibula. So I will stuck on the settee for a few more weeks, hoping to get back on the bike in May.









Room photo.jpg


A very enjoyable Crabwood club dinner was held on Saturday at Wellow Golf Club, attended by a large majority of our members. We were very honoured to have one of Britain’s most successful pro riders, Roger Hammond, as our Guest of Honour, and he made us all feel very proud of our club which Roger attested had played a big part in his career development over the years.

After his speech, Roger presented the 2018 awards – some of the award-winners having been presented their awards by Roger the last time he was our Guest, in 1994!
Thanks to Steve Curtis for the photos.




























Merry Christmas Crabbies.









I would like welcome 2 new members Lorretta Stringer and Stuart Grace. Stuart joins us as a 2nd claim member. For those of you who don’t know Lorretta she lives somewhere a bit warmer than cold soggy Hampshire, Oman. I would like to congratulate Lorretta, she recently rode the Oman 100k national road race and was 2nd woman and getting a rather nice prize of £600.


At the club AGM Dave Radcliffe was press ganged into joining the committee, congratulations Dave, I hope you realise it is a job for life. All other committee and president positions remain unchanged. At the meeting it was decided to run some more Heath Road Races. So, dates for your diaries 4th, 18th June and July 2nd, with Pat Lafford drawing the short straw to be the organiser.


The committee and I would like to wish Brian Coupe a speedy recovery, from a stroke he recently suffered, hope to see you out on the bike soon.








The Geoff Shergold memorial cyclo-cross (including the club championship) will be held at The Southampton Sports Centre Sunday 27th January. The setting out of the course and the running of the event requires a lot of man/womanpower, anyone who would like to volunteer to help please contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel 07850 172929.





Club kit, we are hoping to put an order in for some club kit, but we need a minimum of 5 items for an order. If you want any, please contact Claire.



Mince pie Run


Mince pie run 23rd  December. Meet at Eling tide mill 10.00am for a gentle ride around The Forest. With lunch at the New Forest Wildlife Park, Deer Leap Ln, Ashurst. At 12.00.






Social Rides.



13th January, The Black Horse, West Tytherly.

3rd February, The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.





24th February, The Cuckoo, Hamptworth.


17th March, The Hunters, Romsey.


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00 or at the pub 12.00


Club Dinner







Saturday 9th FEBRUARY 2018


Wellow Golf Club, Ryedown Lane, E Wellow nr Romsey SO51 6BD


       £25.00 per person



A. Homemade Spicy Parsnip Soup with Crusty Bread

B.  Puff Pastry,Chicken, Bacon & Woodland Vol Au Vent


C. Duet of Honeydew & Cantelope Melons with Mango Sorbet


Main Course


D.   Roast Topside of Local Beef, Yorkire Pud & Red Wine Gravy


E.   Maple Glazed Roast Chicken Breast, Garlic & Herb Stuffing and Pan Gravy


F.   Grilled Sea trout Fillet with Crust & Herb Butter


G.  Vegetarian Nut Roast


(All served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes)




H.  Steamed Ginger Marmalade Sponge Pudding with Creamy Custard


I.   Summer Pudding with Red Berry Coulis & Vanilla Ice Cream   


J.  Trio of Local Cheeses and Biscuits




Freshly Brewed Coffee and Mints




Please indicate your menu choices below and return to Roy by 29th January with payment.  Crabwood has now come into the 21st century and you can make payment electronically – please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know of any payments you have made, and names/menu choices as below if applicable.  Account details:-







Sort Code:               309873   


Account Number:   00393934


Reference:              Please enter your surname and first initial.






Starter (A/B/C)

Main Course


Dessert (H/I/J)




















Club Subscriptions 2019


Full Membership £10.00……….           Social £5.00………..      2nd Claim £5.00……….


Name and Address in BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………




To – Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP




That’s it for this edition. Bah Humbug. Alan.








Hello Crabbies, yes autumn is here and nothing to look forward except cold dark miserable days for the next six months, and not mention Christmas bah humbug.




Crabwood cc club 10 September


Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people standing, sky, shorts, outdoor and nature


Jens with Team Crabwood, he’s the one that looks like a proper cyclist.


We were again graced by Jens Voigt’s presence at the Crabwood September club 10. And again, there was a raffle with a chance to ride a two up with JV. And the lucky winner was Dave Radcliffe. All proceeds from the raffle going to the Epilepsy Society and Canine Partners. This was Dave’s first ever time trial, and he managed to tow Jens round to post a 27.21


Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, sky, outdoor and natureImage may contain: 3 people, bicycle, outdoor and nature




As usual on the P164 course, it was windy, and as usual it was a south westerly and it was the usual fight against the wind from Ipley to the finish. The wind didn’t seem to hamper Nick Tarmey of VC Venta who posted 21.30. Pat Lafford was the fastest CCC rider, who was wearing his go faster black Speedsuit (reminded me of a spent match) posted a 24.44.


I would like thank Pete and Jacky Betteridge, Dave Crocker and Roy Budd for time keeping this season, Colin Smith for pushing off, David Hanbury and everybody else who helped with marshalling.




Presidents Cup


Congratulations to Pat Lafford on winning the cup again, with Brian Coupe second and Alan Bigwood third.


We need to find some younger riders who can give him a run for his money




75th Anniversary Heath Road Race Series


Well done to John Winchester and the many helpers from Crabwood and various other clubs, on a  successful and well-received series of road races.  Results and many more photos on our Facebook page






CCC HRR cover photo.jpg




Other news




 We have not just one, but two new members. I would like to welcome Ken Parmenter and Dave Ricketts to the club.  Ken who at the age of 80 is planning to return to time trialing, it will be nice for Claire to have someone of her own age to compete against.  And Dave, a work colleague of Dave Radcliffe and a member of the Sunday morning Hedge End cider drinkers. 




Dates for your diaries.


Club AGM Tuesday 6th Nov, 8pm, The New Inn, Hounsdown.



Geoff Shergold memorial cyclo-cross 27th Jan, Southampton sports Centre, Helpers required – please contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Club dinnerSaturday 9th Feb, Wellow Golf club, details to follow in Xmas newsletter.




Social rides


21st October Black Horse, West Tytherley


11th November, Cuckoo, Hamptworth


2nd December, The Hunters, Romsey.


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.




The Mince Pie Run


23rd Dec Mince Pie run, New Forest Wildlife Park, Deerleap Lane, Colbury


Riders meet at Eling Mill 10.00, all welcome at the Wildlife Park 12.00.





I’ll have a P please Bob.






Since things turned sour with my wife a fortnight ago, I’ve taken to ride 50 miles a day to clear my head. I’m now 700 miles from home and feel much happier.






That’s it for now, Xmas newsletter out in December




MAY  2018




The new kit has finally arrived!





After many weeks of waiting, the new kit has arrived, and for once we look like a proper club. With the exception of Tweety Pie in the middle.


We are not keeping supplies of club kit, but If you would like to order any please contact Claire.  Once we have enough (5 main garments) we can place another order.




We have a couple of new members - Colin Yeates, and Ollie Hollister, welcome to the club.  John Tunney has also rejoined the club after a couple of years’ absence, welcome back John.  John and Colin have also turned up and  ridden a club 10 this year.




Now some very sad news.  Andy Stevens’ wife Taryn has recently passed away, aged  just 62.  Taryn used to support Andy at races and attend our social functions. The club would like to send their condolences to Andy and daughter Holly.  Thanks to those members who attended the funeral.




Birthday tea.


Image result for chimps tea party


Yes, it’s that time of year again. Pat and Helen have kindly offered to host the birthday tea again. This will be held on 17th June at 3.00pm. There will also be a club ride in the morning, stopping for lunch at The Cuckoo.


Heath Road Races.


To celebrate the clubs 75th birthday, the club with the help of David Lloyd Gym are promoting a series of road races. The HQ is at Applemore College with the races taking place on the following dates.              12th and 26th of June and the 10th and 24th of July. We, as always need volunteers help out with marshalling, judging etc. Please contact Claire to advise which dates you are free to help.


TT news.


The first event 12th April, for once the wind was in the right direction, which produced a very fast time - Matt Downie TAAP Cervelo Racing 20.45.  CCC riders Pat 25.33, Simon Wheeler 27.24 and John Tunney on his return 29.20.


The second event 26th April, was a chilly evening, perhaps that’s why there were no CCC riders there, that is also my excuse. With James Fox of VC Venta posting the fastest time 22.28


The third event 3rd May. A bit of a cross wind to the first turn followed by a tail wind to Ipley, and then as usual a headwind to the finish. It finally looks like Pat has some competition with new member Colin Yeates posting 24.28 beating Pat by 28 seconds, I struggled round with a 27.26 and Brian Coupe 28.01. Winner Mitchell Webb Halo Sports CT 23.26.


Unfortunately the 24th May event was cancelled due to poor weather and only one brave rider turning up.


I would like to thank Jacky and Pete B and Dave Crocker for time keeping. John SB, Dave Hanbury, Dave England and Claire for their help. And finally, Colin our pusher off, push off Colin.


The next club TTs. 7th June P164 15, 20th June Club 25 Championship P128 HQ Lay by Bartley, 3rd July NFCC interclub P164, 25th July Club 10 Championship P164.


Social rides


17th June The Cuckoo, Hamptworth


8th July The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.




*    *    *


How not to do it.


Beware if Colin is in his car.




On Saturday morning, a roadie gets up early, as he has for so many Saturday morning rides, and softly slips out of the bedroom. He dresses quietly in the next room, grabs his helmet and water bottle, and goes out to pump the tyres. As the garage door opens, he’s confronted by an icy, windswept rain.


He’s ridden before in these conditions. He doesn’t like it, but when it’s Saturday morning he never misses. He ponders the dismal conditions and then retreats to the kitchen to tune a small TV to the Weather Channel. The forecast only sounds worse. This is one Saturday when he just can’t summon the determination. With a sigh, he slips off his shoes, quietly returns to the bedroom, undresses and slips back into bed.


There he cuddles up to his wife’s back and whispers: “The weather out there is terrible.”


To which she sleepily replies: “Can you believe my husband went riding in that crap?”            


That’s it for this edition. Alan









The club dinner was held again at the Wellow Golf club. Where we were treated with two special guests. I would like to thank Norman Harvey for a very entertaining and informative speech on the formation and history of Crabwood CC, celebrating its 75th anniversary. And ex world champion and Olympic gold medallist Nicole Cooke MBE, who kindly gave a us few words and presented the trophies to the usual suspects. I would like to congratulate Dave Radcliffe, who having only been a member for a few months managed to get himself awarded the coveted wooden spoon, don’t tell the chairman it is only a short gentle climb! I did hear some comments that the steak was fit to be used as shoe leather, but overall the food was as good as usual.


Image may contain: 1 person                     Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing, suit and indoor


Norman looking very smart with dickie bow and waistcoat.              Nicole and prize winners.




This seems to be taking forever, the company we have chosen, which are based in Europe are not only in a different time zone, but obviously use a slower clock than the rest of the world. Hopefully we may have the kit ready for the beginning of the racing season – 2019!










I would like to thank Kerie for organising another successful Geoff Shergold memorial cyclo-cross, I would also like to thank anyone who helped setting up the course and clearing up after the event and helping on the day.


Winner Sam Allen (Pedal On) who led from gun to chequered flag, winning by six minutes and lapping all but four of the field. For an in-depth report click on the link below, rather than trying to read my drivel.


Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, riding a bicycle, bicycle, outdoor and nature


I’m glad that’s over


If you wait until the end of the video, you will see one of the finest cyclo-cross riders ever to have taken part in the GS cyclo-cross.







Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor


It was a cold and frosty morning, and five not very enthusiastic riders turned up at Eling. We managed a short ride to Lepe and back, fortunately arriving at the café just as the rain started. It was good to see a good turnout of members, who tucked into some warm mince pies and mulled wine.


2018 EVENTS.


Evening Club Events


Yet again it is nearly that time of year to dust off your TT bikes and book of excuses.


Thurs 12th April 10 P164, Thur 26TH April 10 P164, Thurs 3rd May 10 P164, Thurs 24th May 10 P164, Thursday 7th June 15 P164 Interclub event. Weds 20th June BDWCA & CCC 25 champ’p 25 P128/25.Tues 3rd July New Forest CC Interclub 10 P164, Weds 25th July CCC 10 Champ’p P164, Thurs 9th Aug 10 P164, Sun Sept 9th 09.00 10 P164, Sun 23rd Sept 10.30 hill climb Boldrewood. All the evening 10s start at 19.00. All the events held on the P164 the HQ is Park Pale car park. 25 HQ Bartley lay by. Any assistance with these events is always needed and appreciated




Image result for time trial failures




 John Winchester is kindly leading a plan to promote a series of evening Road
 Races on the Beaulieu Heath – dates being (Tuesdays) 12th and 26th June,  10th and 24th July.  Watch this space the
CCC website and Facebook page for more details.
Plenty of helpers needed for these, so please keep these dates free if you can.




Sunday 4th March Black Horse, West Tytherley.


Sunday 25th March The Hunters, Romsey.


Sunday 15th April The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.





And finally.


A pedestrian steps off the kerb and into the road without looking and promptly gets knocked flat by a passing cyclist.
“You were really lucky there,” says the cyclist.
“What on earth are you talking about! That really hurt!” says the pedestrian, still on the pavement, rubbing his head.
The cyclist replies, “Well, usually I drive a bus!”


That’s all for this edition. Expect another exciting newsletter soon. Alan






Saturday 10th FEBRUARY 2018


Wellow Golf Club, Ryedown Lane, E Wellow nr Romsey SO51 6BD


       £25.00 per person




  1. Homemade Spicy Parsnip Soup with Crusty Bread

  2. Salad of Maple Glazed Pulled Pork, Cashew & Apple Chutney


C. Traditional Smoked Salmon Served with Capers, Lemon & Wholemeal Bread


Main Course


D.   Sirloin Steak, Smoked Lyburn Cheese & Mushroom Sauce


E.   Maple Glazed Roast Chicken Breast, Garlic & Herb Stuffing and Pan Gravy


F.   Grilled Sea trout Fillet with Crust & Herb Butter


G.  Spinach, Goats Cheese & Caramelised Onion Puff Pastry Tart with Wild Mushroom Sauce


(All served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes)




H.  Plum & Almond Crumble with Vanilla Pod Custard


I.   Glazed Lemon Tart with Rum & Raisin Ice Cream& Malibu Syrup


J.  Trio of Local Cheeses and Biscuits




Freshly Brewed Coffee and Mints





Please indicate your menu choices below and return to Roy by 29th January with payment.  Crabwood has now come into the 21st century and you can make payment electronically – please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know of any payments you have made, and names/menu choices as below if applicable.  Account details:-






Sort Code:               309873   


Account Number:   00393934


Reference:              Please enter your surname and first initial.





Starter (A/B/C)

Main Course


Dessert (H/I/J)




















Club Subscriptions 2018


Full Membership £10.00……….           Social £5.00………..      2nd Claim £5.00……….


Name and Address in BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………




To – Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP









Image result for funny xmas photos


                          Image result for funny cat xmas photos

 Merry Christmas readers.




The design for the new Crabwood jersey has been finalised, we are hoping to have one ready for display at the club dinner. I would like to thank Dave R and John W for their input into the design. The new design celebrates the clubs 75th anniversary.








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 The Geoff Shergold memorial cyclo-cross (including the club championship) will be held at The Southampton Sports Centre Sunday 28th January. The setting out of the course and the running of the event requires a lot of man/womanpower, anyone who would like to volunteer to help please contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel 07850 172929.  



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Mince pie run 17th December. Meet at Eling tide mill 10.00am for a gentle ride around The Forest. With lunch at the New Forest Wildlife Park, Deer Leap Ln, Ashurst. At 12.00.


14th January, The Hunters, Romsey


11th February, The Cuckoo, Hamptworth


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.



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That’s it for this newsletter, hopefully the weather will have improved when the next newsletter is out. Alan.


 What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney?









Will be on Tuesday 7th November 8pm at the New Inn, A35 Spicers Hill Totton. Where one of the subjects for discussion will be selecting the design for a new club jersey to celebrate the clubs 75th anniversary.  It’s hoped to have potential designs available to view from 7.30pm.




Shocking news, we have some new members, not just one, but four. I would like to welcome Simon Hall, Kay Frazer(rejoining), Helen Lafford (the faster half of the team Lafford tandem) and last but least Dave Radcliffe, who reminds me of someone.


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I would like to wish Dave England a speedy recovery again, who came to grief on a wet cattle grid in July and broke his leg. How about some stabilisers Dave?


I would like to congratulate John Winchester and Libby on the birth of their son George 8lb 4oz on 17th June.






The Birthday Tea


I would like to thank Claire for hosting the birthday tea. It was a nice sunny afternoon, and nice to see so many of the club members and friends. And for those who rode the social ride in the morning enjoyed  lunch (at last something more than pasty and beans on the menu) at The Cuckoo




Image may contain: one or more people, people eating, people sitting, table, food and outdoor           Image may contain: dessert and food


        Leave some for everyone else Norman!




Other dates for your diary. The Crabwood cc Geoff Shergold Memorial cyclo-cross will be held at the Sports Centre 28th January.


And the club dinner will again be at The Wellow Golf club on 10th February.




29TH October, The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.


19th November, The Hunters, Romsey.


(Riders meet at Redbridge 9.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00 or meet at the pub 12.00)




Mince pie run 17th December. Meet at Eling tide mill 10.00am for a gentle ride around The Forest.  With lunch at the New Forest Wildlife Park, Deer Leap Ln, Colbury nr Ashurst, at 12.00.




Time trials


This year the number of entrants was a little on the low side, probably our lovely summer may have had something to do with that. Congratulations to Pat on achieving the double and winning both the 10 (24.59) and 25 (1.2.33) championships. For a full list of results click on the link below.




Jens Voigt Ex Pro and Tour De France rider makes his second appearance at Crabwood TT, and rides it twice. After last year’s appearance as a pusher off Jens returned this year and was persuaded to ride round the P164 twice. Unfortunately, the weather let us down a little as it was wet and windy and not particularly warm. 


First off Jens joined Sotonia CC rider Mary Corbett on a tandem, setting a time of 25-26 but more importantly helping to raise awareness for Mary’s fundraising efforts as she tries to raise £12,000 for the ME Associations Ramsay Research Fund which works to find a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME).


There was a lottery for a chance to ride a two up with Jens, former Hour record holder. The lottery tickets were £5, with the proceeds going to the Epilepsy Society.  And the winner was Jase Cakebread, unfortunately Jens had a bit of a mechanical, which resulted in a time of 27-45.


I would like to thank Claire for organizing the events, Jackie, Pete and Dave for time keeping, Colin for turning up, pushing off and then pushing off. And anyone else who helped with the club TTs.


For the latest News, you can click on either of the links below. You don’t have to be a Facebook member to view the CCC page.




That’s it for this edition, another exciting newsletter will be out just in time for Christmas. Alan.


Related image


                                                                 Mmmmmm doughnuts.


Jens Voigt turns up to club 10-mile time trial; rides it twice, first on tandem then as two-up


Legendary German rider makes second appearance at Crabwood CC 10


Jens Voigt and Mary Corbett take on the Crabwood Cycling Club 10  Credit: Mary Corbett


If you fancy doing a time trial with Jens Voigt then your best bet is to head to a Crabwood Cycling Club 10 at the start of September, where the legendary German showed up for the second year in a row.


Voigt was in the New Forest for the fifth edition of his Shut Up Legs charity ride, raising money for the Epilepsy Society, and after riding his event on Saturday, headed to the Crabwood 10 on Sunday with Stuart Grace, who helps to organise Voigt’s charity ride and also regularly rides the Crabwood’s events.


In 2016 Voigt played the role of celebrity pusher-offer, but this time round was tempted to bring his bike along, taking to the course not once, but twice.


After riding the tandem, Voigt took to the road again for a charity two-up


First off Voigt joined Sotonia CC rider Mary Corbett on a tandem, setting a time of 25-26 but more importantly helping to raise awareness for Mary’s fundraising efforts as she tries to raise £12,000 for the ME Associations Ramsay Research Fund which works to find a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME).


After posing for a few photos, Voigt then took to the road again, this time alongside Jase Cakebread who had won a charity raffle to ride a two-up time trial with the two-time Tour de France stage winner and former Hour Record holder.


The duo set a time of 27-45 in wet and windy conditions on the P164/10 course in the New Forest, before heading back to the race HQ in a dusty car park just east of Lyndhurst for a few more photos and presumably a cup of tea and slice of home-made cake, with more than £15,000 raised for the Epilepsy Society over the weekend.


Very sadly, we have to report that our little club has lost another shining star, far too young, when Kim Moore lost her bravely-fought battle with cancer on Monday. Our thoughts are with Vernon, also Sheila and all Kim's family. she was a lovely lady who will be much missed by all who knew her






MARCH 2017


The club dinner.


This year was yet again held at The Wellow Golf club, yet again the food was excellent. We also enjoyed the speech given by our guest Steve Whitewick, he told us about how he took up cycling at a later age and of the good times riding with Julian Jenkinson. I would like to congratulate all the trophy winners especially Pat who was deservedly awarded the wooden spoon. Thanks to Claire and Roy for organising the dinner.





I would like to welcome David Hanbury to the club. David has been on the racing scene for a few years, and as a member of The VTTA he will giving Dave England some competition.




Social rides.


Sunday 9th April, The Wheatsheaf, Braishfield.


Sunday 30th April, The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.


Sunday 21st May, The Black Horse, West Tytherley


Meet at Redbridge 9.30, The Plaza Romsey or meet at the pub 12.00








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It’s that time of year again to dust off your skin suits and aero helmets and get the book of excuses out. It’s time trial season.  Below is the list of the Crabwood club events. Any volunteers to help with marshalling would be much appreciated.














13th April

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


27th April

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


4th May

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


25th May

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


8th June

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


22nd June


(Club champs)




A336 Bartley layby


4th July

New Forest CC




Parc Pale


26th July

Crabwood CC

(Club champs)




Parc Pale


10th August

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


3rd Sept

Crabwood CC




Parc Pale


24th Sept

Crabwood CC










Despite the forecast for heavy rain throughout the day the morning started dry and we only had a slight shower in the middle of the senior race which didn’t come to anything. Alexander Forrester riding for mastered the muddy conditions at Southampton Sports Centre to win the penultimate race in this season’s league. The tricky slippery conditions caused riders across all the races to select different lines and in some parts of the course riders preferred to dismount and run some sections.


A big thank you to Kerie for organising the event. And thank you to everybody who volunteered over the weekend.


Winner of the Vet 50 and women event Tim Costello GS Vecchi,  

1st Lady Helen Pattison Hargroves-Ridley-Montezuma.


     Vet 40 – 49 and Junior event. Winner Dan Guest Cotswold Veldrijdin.

1st Junior Callum Macleod Palmer Park Velo



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For those of you who don’t know Pat has recently bought a tandem, as you can see here he is getting in some training with his new tandem partner.


 A good time was had by all when we returned to Wellow Golf Club for our annual dinner.  Guest of Honour Steve Whitewick gave a heartfelt and inspiring talk about his friend and mentor Julian Jenkinson. before presenting the awards.  Thanks to Kerie for acting as MC and welcoming the guests.

























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Merry Christmas readers.




The club now has a bionic man, Roy, who has recently had knee replacement surgery. Hope to see you out on the bike soon.


Please let Claire know your results for any events you have ridden (other than our club TTs) – road races, track, open TTs, cyclo-cross etc.   And please return any trophies by the end of the year.


Membership fees are now due, no price rises due to Brexit here. They remain unchanged at £10/ £5.


Please complete the form page 4 and send to Roy.






The club dinner will again be held at Wellow Golf club on Saturday 4th February,


 Our guest of honour will be local time trial star Steve Whitewick who is keen to talk about his friend Julian Jenkinson, but not in a sad way. Hopefully he will also tell us little about himself.


£25 pp – please complete form page 4 and return to Roy with payment.




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Mud, mud glorious mud.


The Geoff Shergold memorial cyclo-cross (including the club championship) will be held at The Southampton Sports Centre Sunday 15th January. The setting out of the course and the running of the event requires a lot of man/womanpower, anyone who would like to volunteer to help please contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel 07850 172929. The plan is to set the course out on Saturday 14th, meeting at the Cyclo-Cross container, next to the athletics track, at 12.00.  With the racing starting 10.00am Sunday 15th






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Mince Pie run 18th December.


Riders to meet at 10.00am at Eling. Destination The New Forest Wildlife Park.


Anyone walking, driving or arriving by jetpack to meet at the wildlife park at 12.00




January 8th, The Wheatsheaf, Braishfield.


January 29th, the Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge.


February 19th, The Hunters, Romsey.


March 5th, The Black Horse, West Tytherley.


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.





For those of you who have trouble putting your bike on the roof rack, it’s easy



This year we went to the Pyrenees for our trip to the Tour. We stayed near Ax Les Thermes, as you can see the gite needed some TLC.

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We had a bit of a mixed bag weather wise, with Pat suffering the worst of it. He went from scorching hot and sunny 35 degrees to almost 0 in a thunderstorm with heavy rain and hail, all in the same day. Fortunately, Colin and myself had made it back to the gite before the thunderstorm Ha Ha.  It was an exceptionally cold day when we climbed the Col de Paliheres at 20 km long we got warm going up, but very cold on the descent.  Fortunately Ax Les Thermes is a spa town, and there were some public hot springs to paddle in.  We spent half an hour in there warming up.  We also climbed Ax Trois Domaines and Plateau De Beille, both of which were quite tough.  We also ventured into Andorra to tackle a couple of climbs there. The scenery in Andorra was wonderful.

That’s it for this edition.  Here’s wishing you a miserable Christmas, BAH HUMBUG!!!!!






         Saturday 4th FEBRUARY 2017


           Wellow Golf Club, Ryedown Lane, E Wellow nr Romsey SO51 6BD


               £25.00 per person






A.   Homemade Spicy Parsnip Soup with Crusty Bread


B.   Local Goats Cheese, Leek & Walnut Tart with Sweet Chili Jam


C.   Homemade Test Trout & Watercress Fishcake with Balsamic Lemon Dressing


Main Course


D.   Roast Topside of Local Beef, Yorkshire Pudding and Red Wine Gravy


E.   Maple Glazed Roast Chicken Breast, Garlic & Herb Stuffing and Pan Gravy


F.   Baked Cod Loin with Parmesan Crust with Roasted Tomato Sauce


G.  Vegetarian Nut Roast


(All served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes)




H.  Plum & Almond Crumble with Vanilla Pod Custard


I.   Summer Pudding with Red Berry Coulis & Vanilla Ice Cream


J.  Trio of Local Cheeses and Biscuits




Freshly Brewed Coffee and Mints




Please indicate your menu choices below and return to Roy by 23rd January with payment





Starter (A/B/C)

Main Course


Dessert (H/I/J)




















Club Subscriptions 2017


Full Membership £10.00……….           Social £5.00………..      2nd Claim £5.00……….




Name and Address in BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………




To – Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP














Yes, I was away in Spain, but the last thing on my mind was the newsletter as sunshine and cold beer were the only things on my mind.


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The AGM will be held at The New Inn, Main Rd, Totton, SO40 7EP on the 8th November, with the fun commencing at 8.00 pm.  Any items for the agenda to be notified to any committee member by 31st October.


Club Dinner


Will again be held at The Wellow Golf Club, Saturday 4th February, details of menu and speaker will be in the Xmas newsletter.




The Crabwood Geoff Shergold memorial cross {including the club championship} will be held at Southampton Sports Centre on Sunday 15th January 2017.




Tour De France star and top bloke visits Crabwood TT.


It was beautiful sunny and warm Sunday morning for the Crabwood 10 TT September 11th. We had a visit from Jens Voigt ex Tour de France rider, who was in The Forest to ride the Jens Voigt charity sportive on the previous day, unfortunately the weather for his ride was the complete opposite from the Sunday morning (wet and windy). He is a really top bloke chatting to everyone and posing for photos. He also volunteered to be pusher off for the time trial, though he did have to fight Colin for the honour.


It really was a treat for all of us to meet Jens, hopefully he will make an appearance next year and even ride the event.


A few pictures from the event






     Jens with a random stranger.                                                              Jens meets the time keepers.





                  Jens sandwiched by Team tandem tarts, Mary Corbett and Stephen Skinner




Time Trial News


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Congratulations to Pat for retaining the President’s cup.


1st Pat Lafford 67 points, 2nd Dave England 49 points and in 3rd Brian Coupe 39 points.


Congratulations to John Hyndman who won both the 10 and 25 club championships.


A well done to Dave who knocked 20 minutes the Wessex VTTA 100 record (age 73, he doesn’t look a day over 72) 4.39. 38.




Other News.


It was good to see Mike Matthews out at the club 10 in August, for those of you who don’t know Mike was badly injured in an accident, and after spinal surgery has worked very hard to get back on his bike.


John Winchester decided it would be a good idea to give cyclo cross a try, but unfortunately took a tumble and broke his scapula.  Stick to the road John.




Social rides.


16th October, The Wheatsheaf, Braishfield.


30th October, The Cuckoo, Hamptworth.


20th November, The Hunters, Romsey.


Mince pie run 18th December, venue to be decided.


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00, or meet at the pub 12.00.






Birthday tea.





A big thank you to Pat and Helen for again hosting The Birthday tea and putting on a very good spread.  It was quite a chilly and drizzly afternoon, but thanks to Pats ingenuity and a large tarpaulin we were all kept dry.  it was good to see so many members. Thank you Joy and Claire for also supplying cakes.






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I know I should have stopped at the last shop.




That’s it for now, next newsletter early December. Alan.


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