Hi Crabbies. It’s been a while, so here is the occasional newsletter that I’ve cobbled together.



 Mince pie run 17th December. Meet at Eling at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest Wildlife Park, Deerleap lane, Colbury SO40 4UH. Free mince pies and mulled wine




The Geoff Shergold memorial cyclocross Southampton, Sports centre. Sunday 21st January. So, if you like the cold and the mud it’s the place to be. Volunteers needed not only on the Sunday but also for Saturday 20th to help set out the course. Please contact Kerie for details 07850 172929  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






The annual prize presentation and buffet lunch will take place 18th February 12.30 pm, at The Empress of Blandings, Southampton Rd, Copythorne, SO40 2PF. Tickets £15 pp. There will be a club social ride before the lunch leaving the Empress of Blandings at 10.00am.




2024 subs remain at £10 for a full member, £5 for social or 2nd claim.   Subs for those with at least 20 years of continuous membership (same members as 2023) are waived.  For those members - please confirm to Roy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  whether you wish to remain a member for 2024.


Can be paid by cheque (payable to Crabwood Cycling Club) to Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP.


Or direct to:- A/c:  CRABWOOD CYCLING CLUB,  Sort Code:  309873,  Account Number:   00393934  (please give your surname and initial in the reference)


You can include payment to reserve tickets for the prize presentation lunch at the same time.




Can you send Claire your best results for any TT event club or open events, also the number of TTs ridden. Please could you also return any trophies to Claire or any member of the committee by the end of December please.




The Presidents cup.




As you can see from the results Pat has fluked the presidents cup again. He didn’t manage a clean sweep of victories; he was pipped by yours truly in the last TT. (That’s only because he rode his mountain bike.) We also ran a hill climb at Bramshaw in September. That was won by Mike Marsh from Sotonia 02.22. Pat L 02.29. Dave Ricketts 02.34, Stuart Martingale Sotonia 02.54, Myself 02.56.


John S Bisson 03,10, Skye Martingale (Wjuv) 03.12. Dave England 03.45. After the hill climb, we Cycled to The Cuckoo for ale and pies.




PRESIDENT'S CUP COMPETITION 2023 (5 events count)



20th April

11th May

25th May

8th June

29th June

17th Aug


5 Events points











Pat Lafford









Dave England









Claire Newman









Alan Bigwood









Simon Hall









Colin Witt









John Tunney













Crabwood Holiday 2023




Thanks to Claire we enjoyed another holiday in the Alps. This year we stayed in a chalet at the bottom of a valley, so it was an easy ride home. Grand – Aigueblanche near Moutiers. We enjoyed? some rather long climbs, Val Thorens , Col De Madeleine. But there was a particular memorable climb that went up to Meribel, which was ok, But the fun started - a goat track that had been surfaced a turned into a cycle lane. Carried on for another 7km. There sections reaching 20% (1 in 5).            



I would like to thank all the people who helped at our events the cyclocross and the time trials, without those willing volunteers we wouldn’t be able to run any of our events. So, thank you.




The club will be running some club TTs throughout the summer, let’s see if anyone can topple Pat.


And we will visit the Le Tour again, with a new area to explore. The Massif Central


Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy new. Alan.






Hi Crabwood. It’s been a while since the last newsletter. So, I thought it was time for another one. After a nice long hot dry summer the weather has finally gone back to normal, combined with not many hours of daylight it really is a fun time to go out on your bike.

      The club events went well this year with Pat, Colin, Claire and myself running 2 events each. This worked very well and spread the workload around. How-ever number of entrants was quite low, with one event just having two CCC riders. 

      The club trip to Le Tour took place this year after a two-year absence. We had a very hot week in the Pyrenees. The climbs were long and tough (or am I just past it?). With the Peyresourde finishing me off with the temperature on my Garmin hitting 45C. We all had a good time in a really nice location (well done Claire)



                                      Lake Genos, Loudenvielle.  Our chalet 2nd one on the left.




The Mince pie run 18th December. Meet at Eling Toll Bridge at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest wildlife park, Deerleap lane, Longdown SO40 4UH.



The Geoff Shergold Memorial cyclo-cross at the Sports centre 22nd January. Volunteers please. Contact Kerie for details. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 07850 172929




Our Prize presentation lunch is on Saturday 4th March, 12.30pm, at the Empress of Blandings, Romsey Road, Copythorne  SO40 2PF (upstairs function room).  Tickets are £15pp to include a buffet lunch.     

Please could anyone with club trophies, return them to Claire.


Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Bah Humbug.  Alan.




Hi Crabwood. It’s been a while since the last newsletter. I don’t think much has happened! Apart from being confined to barracks. Speaking for myself I had a few weeks away from work...wonderful. Plenty of time to spend hours out on my bike on lovely empty roads, except for the suicidal walkers that were now out of their cars still thought they owned the roads. I also caught up on loads of decorating and gardening. Unfortunately, things are back to normal, and the roads are full of lunatics again. And even worse I am back working. So, I hope all of you who are still working enjoyed your time off.

Welcome to new member Colin Witt, plus new 2nd claim members Martin Napier and Martin Balk.

On the racing front there hasn’t really been much at all.  A few time trials.  Hopefully things will be back to normal next year.


The club events will be back next year, and as usual we will need some volunteers for marshalling, etc. Dates to follow in the next newsletter.  The return of the Mince pie run 19th December. Meet at Eling at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle. For the sensible people meet 12.00 at The New Forest wildlife park, Deerleap lane, Longdown.

Also returning is the Geoff Shergold Memorial cyclo-cross at the Sports centre 16th January.  Volunteers please. Contact Kerie  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  07850 172929 if you can help with setting up the course on Saturday 15th,  or in any way on Sunday 16th, even a couple of hours’ marshalling would be welcomed.


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Alan.





Hello Crabwood members, it’s been a while since my last newsletter, a few IT issues and apathy on my part have led to a bit of a delay.




The club and I would like to wish Pete Betteridge a speedy recovery from his recent heart surgery.


On a sadder note Roger Bacon president of New Forest cc recently passed away, the club and I would like to send our condolences to Roger's family, friends and clubmates.




It’s time for that annual cold, wet a windy ride around The Forest. Yes, it’s the Mince pie run. So, clear your diaries for 22nd Dec. Meet at Ealing at 10.00 for those daft enough to cycle, and the sensible people in cars meet at 12.00 at the New Forest wildlife Park Deerleap Lane, Colbury.










The Geoff Shergold Memorial Cyclo-cross Sunday 26th January   


Southampton Sports centre.                                                           




Volunteers required for setting out on Saturday 25th and helping/marshalling etc on Sunday 26th. Please contact Kerie   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel 07850 172929..




Even the best gets it wrong.






19th January. Cuckoo, Hamptworth


8th February. The Hampshire Bowman, Dundridge


29th February.  The Hunters, Romsey. Next time we can ride on a leap year Sunday is 2032


Meet at Redbridge 09.30, The Plaza Romsey 10.00 or at the pub 12.00





Club Dinner


Will again be held at Wellow Golf club, guest speaker TBA.




Saturday 15th FEBRUARY 2020


Wellow Golf Club, Ryedown Lane, E Wellow nr Romsey SO51 6BD


       £25.00 per person




  1. Homemade Spicy Parsnip Soup with Crusty Bread

  2. Goat’s cheese, leek and Walnut tart


C. Smoked salmon with capers and wholemeal bread


Main Course


D.   Sirloin steak with Lyburn Cheese & Mushroom sauce


E.   Maple Glazed Roast Chicken Breast, Garlic & Herb Stuffing and Pan Gravy


F.   Baked cod Loin with Parmesan Crust & Roast Tomato Sauce


G.  Vegetarian Nut Roast


(All served with a selection of fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes)




H.  Exotic Fruits Brioche Bread & Butter pudding


I.   Fresh Fruit Salad with Cinnamon Syrup  


J.  Trio of Local Cheeses and Biscuits




Freshly Brewed Coffee and Mints




Please indicate your menu choices below and return to Roy by 3rd February with payment. 


Alternatively you can make payment electronically – please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let him know of any payments you have made, and names/menu choices as below if applicable.


Please note Roy’s new email (IMPORTANT as the old one no longer works!).






Sort Code:                309873   


Account Number:   00393934


Reference:               Please enter your surname and first initial.





Starter (A/B/C)

Main Course


Dessert (H/I/J)




















Club Subscriptions 2020


Full Membership £10.00……….           Social £5.00………..      2nd Claim £5.00……….


Name and Address in BLOCK LETTERS…………………………………………………………………………………………




To – Roy Budd, Whitethorn, Winsor Road, Winsor, Southampton, SO40 2HP




And finally I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas.     Alan